Since being founded in December 2013, the CSU5 has aimed at creating long-term, strategic, and innovative approaches to economic and community development that will shape a positive future for the Greater Los Angeles region. The CSU5 campuses work across institutional and disciplinary lines to forge ongoing relationships that connect education to professional practice and community life and leverage the power of five universities that have long and rich histories in Los Angeles County.

The Presidents of the CSU5 campuses are committed to turn aspirations into tangible results. The following four pillars express the major dimensions our efforts. The CSU5 works to contribute to Greater Los Angeles by:

  • Expanding research focused on innovation and problem-solving that is responsive to economic development priorities.
  • Delivering education and training that develops an exceptional innovation/ workforce.
  • Enhancing the competitive advantage of the County in ways that strengthen industry and increase jobs.
  • Building sustainable communities that are diverse, vital, and supportive places to live.

As the Lead President for the CSU5 for 2020-2023, I welcome you to the CSU5 website, and along with my CSU5 President colleagues, encourage you to consider how we might partner to build a better future for all in Greater Los Angeles. We are excited about the possibilities that our university and community partnerships will create for all.

Jane Close Conoley
President, California State University, Long Beach
Lead President, CSU5 Collaboration